Park-Tower, Zug

- highest building in the canton of Zug  
- 14'200 square metres space, 111 parking spaces
- 100% residentials / max. 40% service spaces


 Consortium Park-Tower:

- Peikert Immobilien AG, Zug
- Altras Management AG, Inwil

Land purchase

 January 2010

Planning / 
Project development 

 Land development plan in legal force in January 2010


 Axess Architekten AG, Zug

 Cometti Truffer Architekten AG, Lucerne

Marketing and sales

 Peikert Immobilien AG, Zug

Building permission

 August 2011

Investment costs

 CHF 200 Mio.

Marketing start

 in the beginning of 2012

Start of construction

 March 2012


 2014 - 2017